domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

Lemmy y su despedida entrañable y multitudinaria gracias a la tecnología actual

Desde el momento preciso, en que el comunicado oficial de los miembros de la banda Motörhead se hace público el deseo de compartir con todos los fans y admiradores de la figura de Lemmy Kilmister, a nivel mundial, en lo que sería una despedida "atípica", pero más que merecida por toda una vida de dedicación al rock and roll, desde el carisma y la humildad, que Lemmy transmitió a todo aquel que se cruzó en su camino. Se creó una gran espectación a nivel mundial y ya fuera, desde los bares o salas musicales con conexión a Internet o desde la más profunda intimidad, la conexión casi se cae, por la respuesta masiva de cientos de miles de rockeros, ya fueran, heavies o punks. Porque Lemmy fue tan grande, que caló hondo con su rudo, pero honesto y potente rock and roll, hecho desde el corazón, en muchas tribus urbanas.

Durante dos horas desfilaron, personalidades de la música rock, como Sharon Osbourne, manager y pareja de Ozzy; Matt Sorum, batería de The Cult, Slash, guitarrista de Guns N' Roses, Robert Trujillo y Lars Ulrich, base rítmica de Metallica; Scott Ian, guitarrista de Anthrax; Rob Haldford, vocalista de Judas Priest, Gene Simmons y Eric Singer, bajista y batería de Kiss, Bob Kulick, guitarrista afamado de sesión y productor o Dave Grohl guitarrista y vocalista de Foo Fitghters, quien se terminó emocionando, cuando realizaba su discurso, a pesar de querer gastar alguna broma previa. Porque el tono, hay que decirlo, siempre desde la solemnidad del momento, fue muy respetuoso, contando anécdotas y vivencias, que resaltaban aún más la grandeza que derrochaba Lemmy, ya fuera dentro o fuera de los escenarios. La verdad, que tanto Phil Campbell, como Mikkey Dee, los que habían sido compañeros de Lemmy en Motörhead, hasta su fallecimiento y extinción del grupo, por este mismo motivo; estuvieron muy acertados, por como prepararon exhaustivamente, junto al staff de Motörhead y realmente, amigos y compañeros de profesión, que no quisieron faltar a una cita tan especial y entrañable. Como entrañable y sobre todo muy conmovedor, fue el ver y oir sonar una vez más el bajo Rickenbacker de Lemmy, con un atronador acople, posado sobre su ampli, que retumbó en la sala del Forest Lawn Memorila Park y sirvió para cerrar un acto lleno de vivencias, emociones contenidas, brindis a la salud de la memoria de Lemmy Kilmister y de una parte muy importante de la historia más reciente de la música, más concretamente, la música rock. Hasta siempre, Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister, DEP.

Texto: Ferri, La Factoría Del Ritmo (10 enero 2016)

1 comentario:

  1. Gene Simmons se le pudo ver bastante afectado durante todo el acto, escribió unas horas antes este texto en recuerdo de Lemmy:

    Today we attended Lemmy Kilmister’s Memorial Event…To celebrate the man, and the legend.
    Attending in honor of Lemmy were: Sharon, Ozzy and Geezer. Dave Grohl, who testified to what Motorhead meant to him. And Lars Ulrich, who told the story of the time he first met Lem, as an 18 year old kid with big dreams, went to visit Lem at the Sunset Marquis and in short order threw up on himself. And Triple H, who waxed poetic about the love he had for the man. And Rob Halford, Slash, Duff, Scott Ian, Eric Singer. And many more.

    My own story involved meeting Lem in 1974, or perhaps it was in early 1975, when his band HAWKWIND (named after sci-fi/fantasy writer’s Michael Moorcock’s book of the same name, which I read and loved as a teenager) opened for KISS somewhere in Middle America. Hawkwind was a psychedelic rock band, eclectic, with a wonderful 6’2” belly dancer: Stacia.

    Lem and I didn’t meet up again until a few years later. And continued to run into each other backstage at shows, or at big festivals, when Motorhead would be on the bill…always with a big “How are you.” And a welcoming hug.

    A few years ago, I was filming a TV show called ROCK SCHOOL. It was filmed in England (1st season at Christ Church Hospital). I was teaching young 14 year olds to put down the booze and the hooch, and pick up an instrument and learn to care about something else in life, like putting together a rock band, and writing your own song for the first time. And they did.

    And the transformation of these young people into committed rockers, who cared, was inspiring. But, how do I end the 1st season on an up?...After these young people did all the work, what’s the payoff? So, I called Lem and his management, who happened to be playing London at the time and they kindly agreed to let this new band, who had never played or recorded anywhere, open up for MOTORHEAD at the sold out Hammersmith Odeon, in London England.

    Backstage before the show, the kids were nervous as hell, as you can imagine. I walked into Lemmy’s room and thanked him for giving them a chance. And he responded quite naturally, that someone had once given him a chance. I said thank you again, and said I had to go into the young band’s room to bolster their confidence level before they went on stage.

    Lemmy immediately stood up and despite my objections, walked into the new band’s room, and what I saw, were young, wide eyed kids getting the schooling of their life, from someone who’d been there and done that. And more importantly, he reminded the kids that once upon a time, he was them. And that anything is possible.

    And that night, these young rockers went out there with fire in their veins, and rocked the house.
    That was Lemmy.
    Unassuming. Non judgemental. With a heart of gold.
    I never heard anyone, fan or other bands ever say anything bad about Lem.

    I’ve certainly heard “Asshole” thrown my way, once or twice. But never at Lemmy.
    A great man.

    Lemmy was mostly, comfortable in his own skin. And perhaps that’s something we can all learn from.

    - Gene Simmons
    - See more at:
