¡Black Friday por tiempo indeterminado, hasta acabar las ofertas o existencias!

On the first Friday of the month since March of 2020, we’ve waived our revenue share to help support artists on Bandcamp. Over the course of just those 26 days, fans have paid artists and labels more than $91 million USD. If you’re among the nearly 1.5 million fans who have participated, thank you.

The next Bandcamp Friday is February 3rd, and Bandcamp Fridays will continue in 2023 on March 3rd, April 7th, May 5th, August 4th, September 1st, October 6th, November 3rd, and December 1st. As always, isitbandcampfriday.com has the details.

If you’ve started to feel guilty about buying music on any other day of the month, here’s something to keep in mind: on Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93% of your money reaches the artist/label (after payment processor fees). When you make a purchase on any other day (as millions of you have, with more than $1 billion now paid directly to artists), an average of 82% reaches the artist/label. Every day is a good day to support artists on Bandcamp!

[Campaign in English:]
Black Friday Everytime! sale now on... Black Friday Sale - Up To 90% Off Digital complete Discography!.... Or pack 3CD x price one! Look at our 55 available references and enjoy of Black Friday with Collector's Series DIY Crew for way of '25th Anniversary' actions.
Copy & paste, share it!!

[Campaña en Castellano:]
¡Black Friday por tiempo indeterminado! (hasta acabar ofertas y/o existencias)... Oferta de Black Friday: ¡hasta un 90% de descuento en la discografía digital completa!... ¡O packs de 3CD x el precio de uno! Mira nuestras 55 referencias disponibles o Merchandising y disfruta del Black Friday por tiempo indeterminado con Collector's Series DIY 'Crew' dispuestos a lo que haga falta con las acciones necesarias rumbo a culminar el '25 Aniversario' del sello de marras.
Copia y pega, corre la voz!!

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